Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Sportacus Costume

I didn't think I'd finish in time but here is the Sportacus costume for my 3 year old nephew, as modelled by my (slightly bigger) 3 year old.

A little different to the original Sportacus, but with my limited sewing ability, this was the best I could manage.

Now I just have to make one for my own 3 and 5 year olds... they might end up being 'New Years' presents at this rate though...

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Sewing Xmas Gifts

Well I've just realised there's only a week until Christmas so I better get a move on with making the Christmas Gifts. Not an easy task with three boys, one of them a clingy 6mth old bub!

Anyway, here is one of the Apron & Oven Mit sets - this one is on it's way to my Grandma, in Adelaide.

I still have two more oven mitts to make at this stage!

And three Sportacus outfits - here are the first finished pants. These ones are for my 3yr old nephew. Slightly different from the original Sportacus costume, but my own 3 & 5yr olds knew instantly what they were meant to be, so that's a win in my books. I am yet to get onto making their costumes!

So, it seems I will be busy with sewing over this weekend!

Meanwhile, in chicken land, I have had 5 more lovely chickies come to live with me. They are all Australorp x New Hampshire and I'm thoroughly impressed with them and their lovely nature!

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

The Chickens Have Arrived!

I've been wanting to get chickens for quite a while now.

Over the weekend my brother-in-law and hubby generously built me (and my family!) a gorgeous big chicken house!

Here is a photo of them finishing up:

and inside:

So yesterday we went into town and got these four chickens. I'm pretty sure the two brown are Isa Brown's and the two black are the Australorp Hybrid x's.

My 5 yr old son owns the two brown and my 3yr old son owns the two black. The brown ones have been named 'Crusty' and 'Chocolate' (!?!) and Master 5 swears he can tell them apart...

The black one's have not any names just yet. Who know's what they will end up being called!

All going well I will pick up two black frizzle bantam pullets on Thursday which will be my little chickens. They are not great layers like the other four (which are bred for laying!) but they are quite motherly I have read. So when I would like to increase the gang a little and they are broody, I can slip some fertilised eggs under one or both of them and they will take care of them. Well, that's the idea. We'll see how it all goes!