Well I've just realised there's only a week until Christmas so I better get a move on with making the Christmas Gifts. Not an easy task with three boys, one of them a clingy 6mth old bub!
Anyway, here is one of the Apron & Oven Mit sets - this one is on it's way to my Grandma, in Adelaide.

I still have two more oven mitts to make at this stage!
And three
Sportacus outfits - here are the first finished pants. These ones are for my 3yr old nephew. Slightly different from the original Sportacus costume, but my own 3 & 5yr olds knew instantly what they were meant to be, so that's a win in my books. I am yet to get onto making their costumes!

So, it seems I will be busy with sewing over this weekend!
Meanwhile, in chicken land, I have had 5 more lovely chickies come to live with me. They are all Australorp x New Hampshire and I'm thoroughly impressed with them and their lovely nature!