Today is extremely windy!
Tim and I were up on the hill at the front of the property, weeding, when we found it. A tiny baby bird. No feathers, eyes closed, peeping softly. It was sitting in the blazing sun, just under one of trees that was getting bustled about in the wind.
I ran and grabbed a flat cloth nappy and scooped it up gently. We brought it back to the house and rang
WIRES. While we were on hold, we gave it a little water through an eye dropper and it seemed to love it.
We got through to WIRES and after ringing the local number we were given, they said they would pass on the details to a WIRES member that lived in our suburb.
We put the bird in a box in a dark, quiet room.
Next thing I know, our neighbour is hopping the fence with a big grin on her face! I thought she was with WIRES but not being sure, had rung the number on the website.
The best thing to do, we were told, was to put the bird back into the nest. We found the nest but it was quite high and hard to get to. Also the wind was bustling the tree all about.
After trying to figure it out for a while, my neighbour decided the best thing to do would be to take it back to her place and care for it, at least until the wind died down and until the storm that is supposedly coming tonight, passes.
Not sure if baby bird will survive or not, but I feel comforted knowing it is in capable hands.
Here is a photo, sorry about the quality, I didn't want to use the flash.