Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Chickens - Incubation to Hatch

Well, as usual I have been slack with keeping this blog up to date however I will make more of an effort in 2011!On 28th November, the day before my 31st birthday, I fired up the Bellsouth 100 incubator, borrowed from a friend.I purchased 30 eggs locally, which included Rhode Island Red, Buff Sussex X New Hampshire, Araucana, Barnevelder x Australorp and Dark Barred Plymouth Rocks. I also gathered 11 eggs from friends.When I candled to see what eggs were fertile and growing, I found that 20 of the eggs were not even fertile! This included 5 of the 6 purchased Plymouth Rock eggs and 3 of the 6 purchased Rhode Island Red eggs, so I was a bit upset about that. The remaining Plymouth Rock egg had not progressed past day 7. And so, I was left with 21 eggs in the incubator.

On Saturday 18th they began to hatch:

First out was 'Rocky', a Barnevelder x Australorp who had the Australorp markings:

2 chicks died trying to get out of the shell, but I got 14 healthy chicks in the end.

These were:

ROCKY - First born and I'm pretty sure he is a rooster

BARNIE - Barnevelder x Australorp with Barnie markings: My guess = GIRL

LITTLE BARNIE - Barnevelder x Australorp with Barnie markings: My guess = BOY

THE BUFF SISTERS/BROTHERS: Buff Sussex X New Hampshire: My guess at week 2 is that the light headed one at back is a GIRL the other three BOY

THE FOUR MUSKETEERS - 4 of the 5 Araucana that hatched are black. Some seem to have little mostaches, so they look like little musketeers. At week 3 my guess is that I have 3 GIRLS, 1 BOY.

LAVENDER - who is actually white not lavender in colour is the 5th Auracana. Pretty sure she is a GIRL.

MIDNITE - was the only one from friends eggs that hatched, I am not sure if it is a girl or boy but hoping GIRL.

LITTLE RED - Rhode Island Red, the only one to hatch and they were lucky last. I am pretty sure it is a BOY.

S0 there they are - 14 little chicks making up the A-Team for 2011.

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